Interested in getting involved with the CMS PTO? Check out the Volunteer tab for more information!
202/2024 CMS PTO Board
President                  Wendy Emahiser       
Vice President          Caryolyn Post         
Treasurer                  Nechia LeVesseur  
Secretary                  Megan Alonmassor
Volunteer Coordinator    open                            open   
Communications             open                           open


The following position is a PTO Coordinator and not part of the PTO Board: Staff Appreciation Coordinator.
 PTO Meetings
Please join us for our PTO meetings.  It's a great way to find out helpful information about CMS and find out how you can get involved.  The Principal typically attends each meeting, along with various presentations from students and speakers from the local area.  PTO meetings are held at CMS.  Watch the school e-news and the CMS PTO Facebook page for meeting details.